10 Reasons You Really Should Make the Switch To an Online RSVP

When they first emerged on the scene a few years ago, many couples were understandably hesitant about making the switch to an online wedding RSVP process.  Some were concerned with it being a “tacky” option – less formal and stylish

RSVP cubes

Etiquette Meets Netiquette: Traditional and Online RSVP FAQs

Whether you're the event's host or an invitee, here's how to mind your Ps and Qs when it comes to online and traditional RSVP etiquette!

Wedding guest list

Five Must-Know Tips For Wedding Guest List Management

You’ve popped the question (or the answer), you’re happy, you’re excited, and you just can’t wait for that special day. Problem is, you’ve got to figure out how to narrow down the hundreds of friends and family you both would

Online wedding rsvp form and wedding website

Digital RSVPs – The New Mainstream of Event Planning

Recently, the popular news aggregate site Slate published a piece by a columnist extolling the virtues of the digital RSVP for weddings. While digital RSVPs have been a mainstay of the Internet for quite a few years now, previously they

Sign pointing to a wedding

Four Tips for Online Event Planning

As it has with anything else, the Internet has taken the realm of event planning by storm over the past two decades and revolutionized it along with the rest of our lives.  This humble writer can still remember the novelty

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