‘Snail Mail’ Paper RSVP Cost Calculator

Number of parties invited Enter the number of invitations you will be sending. Direct Costs Postage Cost The current cost of an RSVP envelope return stamp. $ Cost per RSVP Card Cost per RSVP card. $ Cost per Envelope Cost

Hot Digital Trends For Weddings – 2017 Edition

It’s been a long time since we took a look at the hottest new digital wedding trends, and let’s face it, in these days of rapid Internet innovation, there are new trends emerging for young couples and wedding planners every

9 Common RSVP Questions Answered By The Experts

No one likes to admit it, but there’s a lot to be confused about when creating, organizing, sending out, and receiving RSVPs for any event. From etiquette, to timing, to style, to expectations of your guests, we’ve always been surprised

Monitor Website Changes with ChangeTower, from the Creators of RSVPify

Monitor for Website Changes with ChangeTower After creating and fine-tuning the web’s premiere online RSVP service over the past few years, the creative and development team behind RSVPify is pleased to announce a new addition to the RSVPify family —

Is the Online Wedding RSVP Starting To Become…..Tradition?

A while ago, we wrote about why people were starting to consider using online wedding RSVPs a norm as opposed to the exception. While many at the time still viewed moving a traditional part of the wedding process to the

RSVP 101: How to RSVP to a Wedding or Event

Unsure of How to RSVP to an Event? RSVPify is Here to Help! We know, it seems like the RSVP is a pretty simple process – but you’d be surprised at how many people get annoyed (both guests and event

A Brief Guide to Online Wedding RSVP Netiquette

The new frontier of the online wedding RSVP has brought with it something that’s much more of a wedding tradition – the rules of good etiquette as both a guest and a host of a wedding. While the general idea

10 Ways To Max Out Your Free Online RSVP Experience

It’s been awhile since we focused on some of the coolest features available to you, a newly (or returning) free online RSVP aficionado. No matter your event focus – corporate get together, the ever-popular wedding, Bar or Bat Mitzvah, or

PayPal Link Generator

Update: This widget is no longer operational (sunset by PayPal) but event hosts can still accept online payments for their events via RSVPify. Need to generate a PayPal link to allow guests to easily submit a payment without requiring JavaScript?

What’s New in RSVPify’s March Release?

March 2016 RSVPify’s March release has been rolled out to all of our users.  Here’s what’s new this month! Send email invitations right from RSVPify. We were the first to bring you an online RSVP solution that works seamlessly with traditional

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