Our Favorite Clever, Comical RSVPs Part II

Here at RSVPify, one thing we can never get enough of are the creative and goofy ideas that couples will include in their modern-day wedding RSVPs.  Even before the advent of the online RSVP, couples with a good sense of

Online wedding RSVP custom welcome

What’s new in RSVPify v2.2?

Online RSVP website RSVPify’s latest release will be rolling out to all accounts over the next couple days.  With it comes a handful of helpful tools and feature enhancements, as well as additional under-the-hood enhancements to speed and performance across

Guests sitting at a table at a wedding

4 Things You Absolutely Should Communicate to Your Wedding Guests

Recently we’ve been asking some of our users to let us know about their top wedding frustrations; the answers ran the gamut from MIA wedding RSVPs to people who show up the day of uninvited or unheard from, to re-gifters,

Upset wedding bride

10 Things Brides & Grooms Hate About You (the guest)

We recently polled some newly-married couples about some of their biggest pet peeves during and leading up to their big day. Not surprisingly, some common themes quickly emerged.  Here are 10 of things newlyweds said were most apt to grind

Edit my online RSVP 

What’s new in RSVPify v2.1?

We’ve been grateful to all of our RSVPify 2.0 Beta users for their insights, feedback and suggestions.  This feedback has been invaluable in helping us continually evolve and re-prioritize our 2.0 roadmap, and we’ve been hard at work on our

Digital wedding RSVP

Four Traditional Wedding Elements Re-invented for the Digital Age

Admittedly, RSVPify is a bit biased when it comes to bringing weddings and other traditional celebrations and events into the 21st century – it’s kind of important to us. But with every new wedding we attend, we can’t help but

Woman using RSVPify event software on iPad

RSVPify 2.0 Beta Now Available

One of the things we’ve focused on here at RSVPify since we first set out to re-invent the online RSVP has been the experience of our users — and that of their guests. Without them — and their feedback —

Bar mitzvah invitation

5 Tips for Creating the Perfect Online Bar Mitzvah RSVP

Considering they are one of the more traditional occasions in the litany that require creating RSVPs and managing a guest list, it’s no surprise that many families struggle with just how to create an online bar mitzvah RSVP that suits

RSVP cubes

Etiquette Meets Netiquette: Traditional and Online RSVP FAQs

Whether you're the event's host or an invitee, here's how to mind your Ps and Qs when it comes to online and traditional RSVP etiquette!

Wedding guest list

Five Must-Know Tips For Wedding Guest List Management

You’ve popped the question (or the answer), you’re happy, you’re excited, and you just can’t wait for that special day. Problem is, you’ve got to figure out how to narrow down the hundreds of friends and family you both would

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