wedding gift and cash online gifts

Are guests less likely to send a gift or money if the wedding RSVP is online?

The Big Question of the Day: Are guests less likely to send a gift or money if the wedding RSVP is online?

While it’s perhaps not the most ‘PC’ question to ask aloud to friends and family, we’ve heard this question a few times in passing at RSVPify — so we figured it’s about time we address it head on. And hey, there’s no shame in wondering. Who doesn’t like getting a few unexpected wedding gifts from friends and family who can’t make the main event or want to send a gift early?

So, do couples opting to collect their wedding RSVPs online instead of by snail mail receive fewer gifts? In short, the answer is a resounding “no”!

While we can’t claim to have generated statistically significant metrics on the number of gifts received by couples using online vs offline RSVPs, the anecdotal evidence is compelling. Your guests won’t be less inclined to mail a gift if you decide to collect your wedding RSVP online. Most traditional RSVPs are returned completely separately from any gift. While there are undoubtedly exceptions, most consider it “tacky” to include a gift (even in the form of a check) in the small RSVP envelope that is returned. Instead, most guests choosing to give the gift of cash opt to send a separate envelope with a card and thoughtful note.

Of course, the easier you make it to give a gift, the more likely you are to receive a gift from your wacky Great Aunt Ida.

Here’s some tips for, dare we say it……maximizing your gifts in the online RSVP world:

  • Send a traditional paper invitation. It’s not that digital wedding invites won’t get noticed (we, of course, love all things digital). But a paper invitation is a physical reminder that is often proudly posted to a fridge or bulletin board. Not only does a physical invitation serve as a reminder to RSVP, but it’s also a reminder that you may be worthy of a gift — whether or not your guest is able to attend your big day.
  • Include your physical address. On your website. On your invitations. Make it easy to find the address where guests should mail an early (or late) card or gift.
  • Make it easy to give money. If you’d like to encourage your guests to give the gift of cash, consider setting up a “cash registry.” Sites like Honeyfund and Zankyou make it easy for you to accept cash that they will then transfer directly into your bank account. To make things a little more personal, you can add descriptions and images of things you plan to spend the money on — and guests can earmark funds for the purpose.


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