Let RSVPify Supercharge Your Sorority Fundraiser or Fraternity Fundraiser

Need to Organize Your Sorority Fundraiser or Fraternity Fundraiser? We Can Help With That!

Whether it is funds for your chapter, or your next big philanthropy event, every sorority fundraiser or fraternity fundraiser plays a key role in the success of your house. From car washes to candy sales, from benefit concerts to dance marathons, Greek chapters across the country have a ton of cool ideas for raising the funds you need to run your house or help out your designated charity or nonprofit.

While these events are nothing new, RSVPify is here to offer you some serious help in planning your next sorority fundraiser or fraternity fundraiser. With RSVPify’s powerful suite of tools, you can sell tickets, collect donations, manage your guest list, and even check in guests with custom QR codes on the big day. Here are some of the tools that RSVPify can offer as your digital social chair. Let us show you how we can help make your next sorority fundraiser or fraternity fundraiser a smashing success, and become your new favorite sorority app or fraternity app:

Sell Tickets Online for Your Event

Whether a social event or a traditional fundraiser, RSVPify can let you sell tickets and collect funds digitally. No more need for a cashbox or trusting the pledges with your ticket sales! You can also solicit donations from guests, and easily track contributions and ticket sales for accounting purposes or for reporting your success to your national office or the nonprofit you are partnering with. Let RSVPify process the payments for you, so the brothers or sisters of your chapter can focus on decorating, hosting, and making sure your event goes off without a hitch.

Guest List Management and Online RSVP Services

How can you plan your big event without knowing who’s coming? Fortunately, RSVPify’s online RSVP and guest list management tools can give you all the info you need to organize your event, right on your desktop or mobile device. Create a guest list for an invite-only affair, or send out online invitations that you can customize and beautify to your heart’s content. Receive notifications when guests have RSVP’d, and even allow people to see who else has responded to help build the hype and increase turnout!

That’s not all. Once you have your guest list, RSVPify also offers the ability to create drag-and-drop seating charts if you need to plan out tables for guests at your venue. You can also mass email your entire guest list, to get out important info and details. And, if you are planning secondary events around your sorority fundraiser for select guests, RSVPify allows the ability to not only create these events but only open them to appropriate guests. Everything you need for planning purposes is right at your fingertips.

Event Check In

Want to make sure everyone who shows up was actually invited? With RSVPify’s custom event check in platform, you can assign specific QR codes to guests. On the day of your event, guests can scan in to indicate their attendance, making it easier for you to let everyone in who is supposed to be there, while also hosting only those guests you were planning for at your sorority fundraiser or fraternity fundraiser.


RSVPify is here to offer some serious help in planning your next sorority or fraternity fundraiser. RSVPify's powerful suite of tools will help supercharge your next event. Use RSVPify to sell tickets, collect payments, send invites, and track guests. Perfect for any event with RSVPs or payment collection.




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