Note that in the case of IE and Safari, these browsers natively restrict cookies from 3rd-party embedded tools — and, depending on your browser settings and any security plugins that may be enabled, some users may have issues with an embedded form in these two browsers. We do recommend including a link directly to your RSVPify form if guests do seem to be having trouble with the embed on your website.
Some version 7.0 SquareSpace templates support Ajax (asynchronous JavaScript and XML), and on those templates, Ajax is enabled by default. Ajax makes page loading appear quicker and more seamless when navigating from one page to another.
If you are using one of these templates, and your form doesn’t appear to be loading on Safari browsers, disable Ajax loading (as this can prevent your RSVPify form from properly loading and/or cause intermittent load issues on some browsers and devices) by following these steps on your SquareSpace Site: