Guest List Etiquette

Learn about the myriad of guest list etiquette protocols which are still observed today and a few tips for how to navigate the sensitive nature inherent in creating (and maintaining) your guest list.

Wedding Planning Tips: Advice from the Mother of 2 Brides

Get wedding planning tips and advice from from one RSVPify customer and mother of 2 recently married brides! Hear how she learned the hard way that your guests can't be trusted to follow proper etiquette and how RSVPify helped her

Response Card Wording – What Should Yours Look Like?

How to handle response card wording, whether online or traditional, is one of the most common questions we get from RSVPify users. Recently, we covered some of the basics of wedding response card wording. However, since we see a lot of

A Brief Guide to Online Wedding RSVP Netiquette

The new frontier of the online wedding RSVP has brought with it something that’s much more of a wedding tradition – the rules of good etiquette as both a guest and a host of a wedding. While the general idea

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