Case Studies – The Bush School

Schools and education institutions are community-building organizations. A major strategic community-building lever for schools is to host events. These events might be engagement events, like celebrations, open houses, and parent-teacher conferences, designed to foster a sense of belonging and community

Case Studies – KEDC

For nonprofit organizations dedicated to supporting education systems – such as providing assistance to direct service providers, training professionals, creating and analyzing data, connecting data and programming to policy  – two primary strategies stand out: events and data.   Events

Case Studies – Reynolds College

The complexities of event planning in higher education are numerous. Given the various stakeholders in any college community (faculty, staff, students, community members, donors, administration, family, and more), the sheer variety and different scale of events on an annual college

Nonprofit event software use case study

Case Studies: Wildlife Conservation Network

In the vibrant world of nonprofits, where grants and donations serve as the lifeblood of organizations, fundraising isn’t just the responsibility of the development or advancement team —it’s a collective effort of the board, other key stakeholders, and nonprofit staff.

Case Studies: HOPE International Development Agency

In the vibrant world of nonprofits, where grants and donations serve as the lifeblood of organizations, fundraising isn’t just the responsibility of the development or advancement team —it’s a collective effort of the board, other key stakeholders, and nonprofit staff.

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