What inspired you to create this event? What should people know about it?


“The New York Mets are casting for an all-new dance hype team for the 2024 season through an open audition. The Queens Crew will be at the forefront of fan engagement, delivering best-in-class audience entertainment through freestyle and choreographed hip-hop performances during game days.


Reflecting the diverse culture, edgy style and vibrant spirit of Queens, this new co-ed dance team will redefine traditional baseball entertainment in New York, leveling up the gameday experience this coming season at Citi Field. We will be casting ~13 members for The Queens Crew through an open audition:


Date: Saturday January 20th @ 11:00 AM, Location: Citi Field, Seaver Entrance


This is the inaugural event. Register here: https://TheQueensCrew.rsvpify.com

About the Event Spotlight Series


RSVPify is proud to be the event management software of choice for tens of thousands of event hosts all over the world. But we could never have dreamt of the universe of amazing events that our users create using our platform. That’s why we have our Event Spotlight series. We want to take a moment to shine the light on some of the coolest events (and event hosts) on the RSVPify platform, because they deserve it!


Interested in having your event spotlighted on RSVPify’s channels? Contact us here!