Event Spotlight: Kent School Regional Supper Clubs

What inspired you to create this event? What should people know about it?


The Kent School is a private, co-ed, college prep boarding school founded in 1906 in Connecticut. Their Regional Supper Club series was created to help Kent School alums connect and network. Here’s a little more about the event:


“We are organizing Regional Supper Clubs to bring all that have a Kent bond together – “One Table Many Voices”. The idea is that an alum will volunteer to host and choose a date and venue. At that point, we will then pull a list of area alumni, create a registration site through RSVPify, and then send out an invitation. Hosting can consist of something at their house where the host pays for the entire event or they can pick a location and everyone goes Dutch. This is the first year we have launched the supper club idea, with the Raleigh, NC area being our third so far this school year.”

About the Event Spotlight Series


RSVPify is proud to be the event management software of choice for tens of thousands of event hosts all over the world. But we could never have dreamt of the universe of amazing events that our users create using our platform. That’s why we have our Event Spotlight series. We want to take a moment to shine the light on some of the coolest events (and event hosts) on the RSVPify platform, because they deserve it!


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